Thursday, December 31, 2009
नव वर्ष की शुभकामनाये..
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
समय के साथ जैसे जैसे परिवेश बदला वैसे ही नैतिकता का पाठ भी बदलता चला गया, अब तो शायद हम ये भी भूल चुके है की असल में नैतिकता कहते किसको है! वैसे अगर देखे तो जो थोड़ी बहुत नैतिकता लोगो के अन्दर बची हुई है वो केवल दूसरे लोगो को सिखाने के लिए ही है, भले ही वो हम खुद पर लागू करते हो या न करते हो पर हमेशा दूसरे लोगो पर थोपने की कोशिश जरूर करते है!
अब बात करते है नैतिक उत्तरदायित्व की एक परिवार के मुखिया का नैतिक उत्तरदायित्व क्या है.? यही की उसके परिवार के हर सदस्यों की सारी जरूरते पूरी हो, किसी को भी किसी प्रकार का कष्ट न हो और इसी नैतिक उत्तरदायित्व की पूर्ति के लिए वो हाड तोड़ मेहनत करता है बदले में उसे अपने परिवार और समाज से सम्मान और इज्जत मिलती है, इसी बात को अगर हम बड़े स्तर पर सोचे तो हम एक परिवार है और हमारे द्वारा चयनित ये नेता हमारे परिवार के मुखिया हम ने इन्हें मुखिया क्यों चुना ? जिस से ये हमारे परिवार के हर सदस्यों को एक साथ ले चले उनकी छोटी बड़ी सारी जरूरतों को पूरा कर सके और और परिवार के सदस्यों के बीच कोई मतभेद हो तो उसका निवारण कर सके, ये इनका नैतिक उत्तरदायित्व है पर क्या ये अपने नैतिक उत्तरदायित्व की पूर्ति कर पा रहे है ?
अगर ये कर पा रहे होते तो हम आप इस विषय पर मंथन ना कर रहे होते पर ऐसा क्यों है इसका यही कारण है की ये समाज के लोगो को अपना परिवार नहीं समझते इन्होने अपना परिवार सीमित कर रखा है ये केवल उस सीमित परिवार के बारे में ही सोचते है केवल उन्ही का भला चाहते है ...
इनकी कर्तव्यनिष्ठता और नैतिकता केवल परिवार का मुखिया बनने तक ही सीमित होती है उसके बाद इस नैतिकता का कोई मतलब नहीं रह जाता इनकी सत्ता की लालसा ही इनकी नैतिकता को ख़त्म कर रही है जिसको जितना ही मिले उनता ही कम है बल्कि और ज्यादा पाने की कामना मन में बनी रहती है, ये दौड़ कभी न ख़त्म होने वाली दौड़ है जिसमे मंजिल कभी भी निश्चित नहीं होती बस दौड़ते ही जाओ जब तक आप दौड़ सकते हो !
हमारे सामने तो सबसे बड़ी समस्या ये है की हम उन्हें इस भूलती नैतिकता का पाठ कैसे सिखाये ?
आप हमे अपने विचार जरूर बताये...
Monday, December 28, 2009
We chase for what we don't have..
It depends on why our (Human) nature is just like this.
A pretty example can prove this easily. When we have our parents caring for us and being possessive for us we loose interest in them and despite of this we start taking interests in those objectives which we don't have like bikes, cars, houses, money, girl friends etc. But we often forget and take the things we have as for granted. And sometimes it becomes too late when we realize that the granted things are not their to be remained with us. And that condition makes us the most miserable.
You can ask it to yourself. Until we don't have teeth we will not give them the values they have simply because they are there for granted. We will never give value to our own self in front of money because we often took ourselves for granted. And when we fall on bed with severe disease... We start taking our care as that is the moment we take ourselves not granted and start taking care of ourselves.
Is this good..? Ask yourself.
I have learned from my living experiences that don't take anything for granted. May be at times you can take them for granted but this should be rare as we often don't realize that the things we take for granted are the things we are heavily depending on.
So its better to be early than be late....
Give values to what you already have and start praising what you have... and then make you mind clear to what you want in future. .....
"Think about it".
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
गरीब की दाल....
अगर यही हाल रहा तो आने वाले दिनों में महंगाई की समस्या और जटिल होती जाएगी जिस से पार पाना आसान न होगा !
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Fear of Falling or Failing
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Terrorism : Will this ever end?
Well, Im not a writer nor is very comfortable in sharing my thoughts but here Im trying to pen down my thoughts, its not intended to hurt the feelings of any person nor community but there are certain questions that sometimes really make me very uncomfortable….
Its been one year of such a brutal deed by some fickle minded creature's....Kasab, one of those….
Again, please don’t take this article as the intention of hurting the emotions of any specific person or community. Since the last year from this date onwards I’v been only thinking of the reason for which these guys did such a heinous act of terrorism, does there religion really teaches this or the innocence and poverty take these guys over, well to the best of my knowledge and teachings I got from my parents , they always use to say that no religion teaches bad things, its we human who take it in the other way and religion never sow any seed in your brain, it only nurtures what has already been sown. And if we rely on this, should we question there up-bringing or again there teachings. Cant these guys see that they have just been the joke in this entire creation, they are being used like the toilet tissue-papers and this can be proved with soo many live examples viz: the number of movies USING this community and creating the drama revolving around there mindset, the election candidates and so many similar cases. We already have soo may other things like quota, dirty-politics, unemployment and now these people are adding more to this by there such a coward act.
These people should start thinking seriously, else the people like me will have to take the charge and will have to start isolating these guys from each and every corner of the society. I don’t want the next generations to grow with the burden and fear of dying such a courteous death.
I am finishing writing with still a ray of hope left….
Please join hands for a social cause and the future generation ....and our present !!
Drop a line here to suggest the options we have, so that once again we can live in the country where atleast we dont have to face this brutal crime and live a life of fear and phobia.....lets join our hands to end this crime before its too late ..... .. .
Monday, November 23, 2009
हाय रे पैसा !
बेचारे मधु कोड़ा भारत के लोगो पर भरोसा नहीं किया और भेज दिया पैसा बाहर ये सोचा कि वहा सुरक्षित रहेगा और किसी को कानो कान खबर भी नहीं होगी पर जनाब गया तो भारत से ही ना अब ये भला कैसे हज़म कि जा सकती थी अब जिन भी गरीब और मजबूर लोगो का पैसा मारा गया उनकी दुआए तो साथ रहेंगी ही बस दुआओ का असर हुआ और बात खुल गयी और जब बात दुनिया के सामने खुल गयी तो अब कुछ न कुछ तो होगा ही हमे तो बस नतीजों का इंतज़ार है
इंसान कि लालसा ही उसे ले डूबती है, ५५० करोड़ ही तो थे अरे इसका जो भी पाप लगता है वो ५० लाख मंदिर में दान कर देने से भी ख़त्म हो जायेगा अरे समंदर से दो चार बूँद निकल भी गए तो समंदर पर कौन सी आफत आ जाएगी पर ज्वार तो बता कर नहीं आता, चले थे आगे कि सात पुश्तो को बनाने के लिए और वर्तमान का ही भविष्य अधर में हो गया !
हमे अपनी न्याय प्रणाली पर पूर्ण विश्वास है थोड़ी धीमी है पर इस धीमेपन का भी न्यायलय का अपना तर्क है कि - "हम किसी बेकसूर को सजा नहीं देना चाहते इसलिए हम तब तक कोई निर्णय नहीं लेते जब तक हमे पूर्ण विश्वास ना हो जाये कि सामने वाला दोषी है !"
अगर गलतिया पर मंथन करे तो मैंने पाया है कि इन सभी के लिए हम स्वयं दोषी है , मै आप और वो सभी आम नागरिक जो ऐसे लोगो को देश कि सेवा करने के लिए चुनते है, हमे अब इन बहुरूपियों को पहचानना होगा निशित ही ये एक कठिन कार्य है परन्तु अगर हमने ऐसा नहीं किया तो ऐसे लोग देश कि आर्थिक व्यस्था कि कमर तोड़ने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ेंगे!
आपकी इस बारे में क्या राय है हमे जरूर बताये..
Thursday, November 19, 2009
एक और विभाजन कि तरफ बढ़ता भारत !
ये लोग जो कर रहे है उस से ये चीज़ तो पता चलती है कि उन्हें अपने राज्य से कितना प्रेम है पर जिस तरीके से कर रहे है क्या वो तरीका सही है ? नहीं मेरी समझ से तो ये बिलकुल ही गलत है अपने अधिकारों का गरीब और मजबूर लोगो पर गलत तरीके से प्रयोग करना सही नहीं है. और हम इसे किसी भी रूप में सही नहीं ठहरा सकते! २६/११ का दिन केवल मुंबई ही नहीं अपितु पुरे देश के लिए एक काला दिन था जब मुंबई के ताज होटल के साथ ही साथ अन्य प्रतिष्ठित स्थान आतंकवादियों से घिरे हुए थे सेना के जवान जांबाजी से उन आतंकवादियों का डट कर मुकाबला कर रहे थे क्या उन जवानों में सब मराठी ही थे ? नहीं, उन जवानों के लिए देश ही सबसे ऊपर है उन के लिए मुंबई, दिल्ली , कश्मीर सब एक है. उनका मकसद देश और देशवासियों कि रक्षा करना था और वो अपने कर्त्तव्य का निर्वाह पूरी तत्परता के साथ कर रहे थे उनके मन में तनिक भी ये विचार नहीं था कि ये वो राज्य है जहा के लोग देश के अन्य राज्यों से नफरत करते है
सबसे बड़ी बात तो मै ये जानना चाहता हूँ कि मनसे के वो कार्यकर्ता उस वक़्त कहा थे जब आतंकवादी मुंबई का सीना छलनी कर रहे थे क्या उस समय उनका राज्य प्रेम ख़त्म हो गया था या वो डर रहे थे ?
वो अपनी ताकत का प्रयोग केवल निहत्थे और मजबूर लोगो पर ही कर सकते है और इसी में वो अपना बड़प्पन और शान समझते है.
अभी हाल ही में जो मुंबई विधान सभा में घटित हुआ उस से विधान सभा कि मर्यादा बुरी तरीके से आहत हुई है ये वाकई एक अशोभनीय कृत्य था कि एक प्रतिनिधि ने दूसरे प्रतिनिधि को केवल इस वजह से थप्पड़ मार दिया क्योंकि उसने शपथ स्थानीय भाषा कि जगह राष्ट्र भाषा हिंदी में लिया हमारी राष्ट भाषा हिंदी का स्थान किसी भी अन्य स्थानीय भाषा से ऊपर था , है और रहेगा ये बात उन्हें मालूम होनी चाहिए. हमें ऐसे लोगो के खिलाफ ठोस कदम उठाने होंगे जो अपने आप को देश के और देश के संविधान के ऊपर समझते है जिनके लिए कानून कोई मायने नहीं रखता.
अगर इन्हें अभी नहीं रोका गया तो फिर ये देश दूसरे विभाजन के लिए तैयार रहे जिसे कोई नहीं रोक सकता !!
आपकी इस बारे में क्या राय है ?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Living alone and happy with it.
Simple funda... less friends less distractions more time to get your tasks done in a better way.
Those who follows this approach can also have friends because living alone is not against the friendship. Its just a way to get your goals achieved.
As in Indian history there are plenty of sages who lived all alone in the jungle to remove distractions from peoples and relatives, just to get more concentration and more knowledge. There are quite some exceptions to that whom had achieved the same level of knowledge with their families with them. But they are very less and if they didn't lived with their families they would have achieved lot more than they did.
So its often required for all of us to stay alone get motivated and get what you want. If you have seen the Rocky III movie where the another boxer defeated Rocky Balboa and in order to win again he had to live in a small area concealed from outer glamor and media, with only few of his near and dear ones including wife. He accepted that living alone principle and later on achieved his goal of winning boxing match against the same boxer at the end.
All these shows that living alone is quite effective to get your goals fulfilled.... What do you think ?
2nd October - A Dry Day!
Ok let me explain for those who don't know what had happenned on this date?
So my friend at this day we got a man with a great personality named Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi and in short we call him Mahatma Gandhi or Baapu. Another famous personality and a great prime minister of India also had born the same day 2nd October named Lal Bahadur Shastri.
But unfortunately these days we are celebrating this day as a national holiday and it is also known as the Dry Day(no alcohal day).
It is good that we take a holiday on this date. But when the holiday was declared, the purpose of holiday was also mentioned.
We know that how many peoples are there who remembered Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shashtriji on this day.
i have just read a local newspaper which published a survey, based on some reputed schools of the city and also some politicians.
Reporters from the local newspaper just want to know the answer that who know the meaning and purpose of 2nd October and want to know more about Gandhi ji and Shastri ji.
Students answered that Gandhi ji was born on 2nd October. Few of them also mentioned Gandhi ji's full name, They also knew that Gandhi ji was a leader who fought against Britishers who ruled over India. Besides the bookish and common knowledge about Gandhi ji they don't know anything else. This actually get me killed and made me sad.
And our politicians - ohhhhh really great. They don't knew what is the full name of Gandhi ji ? What he does for our country.
some politicians tried to avoid the reporters. I am feeling ashamed of these modern netas of India.
I have also noticed on this day where some people trying to get some drops of alcohol near liquor shops. As we know that due to 2nd October all the shops were closed, they were finding it difficult to get alcohol.
We can easily assume what they thought about Gandhi ji on that time. I just wanted to ask everyone through this article.-
What is the exact meaning of 2nd October and what is the real purpose of this holiday...
Please comment if you have the answer. Will help others as well as me.........
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Voice of Vivekananda - II
- You are the makers of your own fortunes. You make yourselves suffer, you make good and evil, and it is you who put your hands before your eyes and say it is dark. Take your hands away and see the light.
- The senses cheat you day and night. Vedanta found that out ages ago, modern science is just discovering the same fact.
- It will not do merely to listen to great principles. You must apply them in the practical field, turn them into constant practice.
- Of Jnana and Bhakti, he who advocates one and denounces the other cannot be either a Jnanin or a Bhakta, but he is a thief and a cheat.
- While real perfection is only one, relative perfections must be many.
- The wind of grace of the Lord is blowing on, for ever and ever. Do you spread your sail.
- Practice is absolutely necessary. You may be sit down and listen to me by the hour every day, but if you do not practice, you will not get one step further.
- So long as the 'skin sky' surrounds man, that is, so long as he identifies himself with his body, he cannot see God.
- Men worship Incarnations such as Christ or Buddha. The are the most perfect manifestations of the eternal Self. They are much higher than all the conceptions of God That you or I can make.
- The Happiest moments we ever know are when we entirely forget ourselves.
- Books cannot teach God, but they can destroy ignorance; their action is negative.
- The monk is the religious expert, having made religion his one metier of life. He is the soldier of God.
- I do not believe in a God who cannot give me bread here, giving me eternal bliss in heaven!
- The first thing to be got rid of by him who would be a Jnani, is fear.
- Brahmin, this Reality, is unknown and unknowable, not in the sense of the agnostic, but because to know him would be a blasphemy, because you are He already.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Expectations are the most vulnerable killers
During my past experience i have seen that the moment i started expecting something from myself or the other, i had to bear the burden of severe pain and discouragement. I have often tried not to have expectations on others as well as on myself but can't help it out. But that doesn't mean that i have always failed to it. I have found that those who are closer to mine are often good people to win my faith and the moment it happens expectation starts creeping up. And often I was not aware about my expectations towards others. I get to know about it only after it was broken out and i feel lots of pain and sorrow.
Its always easier to not to have expectations from self than others. This means if a person is lame, he always thinking that he can't walk or run, so he will not have the expectations from him to walk or run but will have expectations on others because they are fully fit.
How expectations creep ups on you ?
You can control your expectations but you can't force others to have expectations on you. And its the most dangerous situation of life. Those who have expectations on you are either your close ones or the colleagues. Whenever you do something special for them .... they will be happy from you...positive effect and they starts expecting more from you.... this is the negative effect. And the moment you break their expectations... they will easily become hurt or become anti towards you. And you have unwanted long list of close ones being hurt..those you don't want to hurt at any cost.
This is what human brain and heart is made of. Full of emotions and expectations. But that does not mean that you will not try to fulfill their expectations. But remember, more you fulfill their expectations, more they will expect from you. And this series will keep on going and going leaving you stressed out at last.
I have noticed that most of my relationships are often suffering due to this expectations. I have tried my best to manage each and every relationships .. but its not possible for me or even anyone. Sometimes some expectations are so killing that they contradict with the other's expectations. This means in order to get someone satisfied we have to make others dissatisfied. That is the most difficult situation of life. It gets worse when both of them are very close to you.
In computer's terminology this situation can also be called as deadlock or hanging situation. Where you are helpless and often in the mercy of others.
I have faced this situation more than ones and still not be able to find out how one should deal with these killing expectations.
Do you have the solution for this?
Keep on searching the answer for this as you are the best person to solve this problem. We have to learn from our past mistakes and have to move on.
Please comment if you have to solution for these...
Extract anything anywhere || Use PeaZip
Today I want to share one more useful software name PeaZip
PeaZip is an open source file and archive manager. It's freeware and free of charge for any use.
peaZip is a more powerful tool it is able to extract most of archive formats both from windows and Unix operation system. It supports many formats like 7Z, TAR, RAR, ZIP and also his own format PAQ/LPAQ.
When you install PeaZip it shows the type of format in dialog.
PeaZip can extract most of archive formats both from Windows and Unix worlds, ranging from mainstream 7Z, RAR, TAR and ZIP to experimental ones like PAQ/LPAQ family, currently the most powerful compressor available.
For archive creation, PeaZip supports a wide range of compression and encryption standard, from fastest to most powerful ones, and allows to export job definition as scripts to bridge the gap between GUI and console applications, and let the user pick the best of the two worlds.
PeaZip has secure deletion feature, can verify file checksum and hash, and supports multiple strong encryption standards, optionally using two factor authentications (password and key file) for increased security:
- 7Z's AES256 encryption
- ZIP WinZip's AE encryption based on AES256 (and Zip Crypto for legacy compatibility); can decrypt PKZip's AES encryption
- FreeARC's ARC: AES256, Blowfish, Twofish256 and Serpent256 - this format is also capable to generate recovery records to protect data against corruption
- PEA: AES256 EAX authenticated encryption
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Multiple Application’s setup on one place || use getvolery
Here is the look of the site's home page
Crack competitions with Vedic math - IV | Transpose and Apply
Once again, in my last article I have described the third formula of Vedic mathematics.
Now today in this article I will explain the fourth formula of Vedic mathematics.
“Transpose and Apply”
The term Parāvartya Yojayet this means “Transpose and apply”.
In this term they provide an easiest way to solve the polynomial division.
So let’s start - here you can see 4 simple steps for polynomial division
We take an example for this formula -
Divide x3 + 7x2 + 6x + 5 by x – 2.
i.) x3 divided by x gives us x2 which is therefore the first term of the quotient
x3 7x2 6x 5
x 2
+ + +
Q = x2 + ….
ii.) x2 × –2 = –2x2 but we have 7x2 in the divident. This means that we have to get 9x2 more. This must result from the multiplication of x by 9x. Hence the 2nd term of the divisor must be 9x
x3 7x2 6x 5
x 2
+ + +
Q = x2 + 9x +….
iii.) As for the third term we already have –2 × 9x = –18x. But we have 6x in the dividend. We must therefore get an additional 24x. Thus can only come in by the multiplication of x by 24. This is the third term of the quotient.
Q = x2 + 9x + 24
iv.) Now the last term of the quotient multiplied by – 2 gives us – 48. But the absolute term in the dividend is 5. We have therefore to get an additional 53 from some where. But there is no further term left in the dividend.
This means that the 53 will remain as the remainder
Q = x2 + 9x + 24 and R = 53.21
Further I will explain the next formula of Vedic math.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Moral: By Swami Vivekananda - I
Here are few...
- Man comes from God in the beginning, in the middle he becomes man, and in the end he goes back to God.
- He is an Acharya through whom the Divine Power acts.
- According to Karma Yoga, the action one has done cannot be destroyed, until it has borne its fruit; no power in nature can stop it from yielding its results.
- Know it for certain that there is no greater Tirtha (holy spot) than the body of man. Nowhere else is the atman so manifest as here.
- This world i just a gymnasium in which we play; our life is an eternal holiday.
- Strength is the one thing needful. Strength is the medicine for the world's disease. And nothing gives such strength as the idea of Monism.
- Despondency is not religion whatever else it may be. By being pleasant always and smiling, it takes you nearer to God, nearer than any prayer.
- Any new discovery of truth does not contradict the past truth, but fits into it.
- Our King Janaka tilled the soil with his own hands, and he was also the greatest of the knowers of Truth, of his time.
- Not believing in the glory of our own soul is what the Vedanta calls atheism.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Character: The Irony of enduring dams and brittle men
If when 'progress' is made, we ourselves decline, how far have we then advanced?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fix the bug of notes limit in Mantis Bug Tracker | Fixing Mantis Bug
As I have mentioned a bug about Mantis earlier. Here is another weird bug from mantis for which I had to apply a patch from my one. I didn't able to find proper solution to this and this was really shocking. For a bug tracker with the status of Mantis, it should have listed its bugs and solutions in the forums or blogs. It should be easily searchable/traceable. I had to waste my fortnight to find a solution which was again a crap tweak which I always hated for long.
Here the path where I found the patch for this problem
This time it was a case of limiting the bug notes for the email notification through Mantis. I made the changes on the mantis user preferences.
By my problem increases two folds now. The change did took effect but on few systems refusing other systems. So I had decided to resolve this problem manually
The default bug notes limit is 0 in mantis setting. You can see it in screen 1
Screen 1
I had got the file “config_defaults_inc.php” in mantis directory where i found all the settings of mantis. Searched and updated the appropriate code setting default bug notes limit to 1
You can see in screen 2
Screen 2
Then I reset the user preferences and confirmed that user preferences screen on browser is showing the default bug notes limit to 1, because I have already set the default bug notes limit in code.
And finally I had got the needful. Look it at the following image -
Screen 3
That is the only way I had found to solve it and get email notes according to my need.
Stay tuned up to get information with mantis related tasks in coming weeks.
Good luck to all.